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Data Management for Data Citizens

  • Modelware Systems (map)

Driving Value Starts with Data Quality.
Use-Case Ideation initiates a sprint D-VD Way train.
Ideation is the technique we use to Find Value.

Ideation and its associated Feasibility Study provides us with precise business requirements and a definition of the Value we could derive.
After Use-Case selection, we now need to Drive Value.

Driving Value requires a comprehensive understanding of the state of the data required to deliver the Use-Case.

A comprehensive understanding of the challenges we face and reliable root cause analysis to direct the delivery of data assets sets us up for victory.

Success depends on a well-executed Initial Assessment of the quality of the data sets that will become Data Assets.
Data Assets are the foundation of Data Products.

Monthly Data Management Community Webinar for Data Citizens.
Data enthusiasts are welcome as everyone can learn something new.

9 August

Data Privacy Webinar

11 August

CDMP® Q&A Webinar