Howard Diesel Data management consultant

Learn about our services

  • We provide a wide range of fundamental and specialist data management training. This includes CDMP® focused training for certification as other Specialist exams to complete Certification

  • Data Management Services, including establishing your organisation's Data Governance and related practices.

    Data Management Maturity Assessment for your organisation

    CDO (Chief Data Officer) In a Box to assist with executive data management and upskill you and your people

  • Data Base monitoring and technical support

  • Weekly webinars addressing a multitude of topics and guest speakers

    Contact Debbie Diesel ( if you would like to be or have a recommendation for a guest speaker

Brendon P - Business Analyst, Sanlam

“Modelware has truly enabled me to write the CDMP fundamentals exam with confidence. The facilitator has provided a structured approach in covering detailed material from the DAMA-DMBOK in a way that truly brings the knowledge areas together. Exam technique is an important factor to consider and Modelware provides optimal technique to maximise success”