Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice 

This is a notice for anyone who has dealings with Modelware Systems (Pty) Ltd. This includes visitors to our website, our customers and potential customers, suppliers and business partners, and juristic persons (this is because the South African privacy legislation, POPIA, protects both natural, living persons and juristic persons.) 


Date last amended: 29 August 2024 

Please do not use our website or online products and services if you do not agree with this privacy policy. 

Information we collect: 

Name, company name, and email address 

  • Your information is required to invoice and register for training. 

  • We use your information for billing, registration, shipping, accounting, tax, and communication purposes 

  • We may use this information to enforce our legal rights 

  • It is stored at our hosting provider, which is located in the USA 

  • It may be shared with professional service providers like accountants and legal practitioners 

  • It is shared with our shipping provider if you order a physical product 

We retain this information for as long as you use our products or services and for at least one year after your last order, as required by the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2005 

  • Order details are kept for 5 years after tax submission as required by the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 

Business: Name, address and VAT Number 

  • Your business information is required to invoice and register for training, if your business is sponsoring you. 

  • We may use this information to enforce our legal rights 

  • It is stored at our hosting provider, which is located in the USA 

  • It may be shared with professional service providers like accountants and legal practitioners 

  • We retain this information for as long as you use our products or services and for at least one year after your last order, as required by the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2005 

  • Order details are kept for 5 years after tax submission as required by the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 

Financial information 

  • We do not have access to your financial information 

Website usage information 

  • We may record how and when you use our website, products and services; your IP address; and cookie data throughout our website 

  • It is collected automatically 

  • To limit the number of submissions you can make to our site, 

  • To protect our site from security threats, and 

  • To help us to improve user experience 

  • It may be stored in Cookies on your computer (you may disable cookies in your browser, but aspects of our website, products or services may stop working) 

  • And it is stored at our hosting provider, which is located in the USA 

  • We retain this information indefinitely 

  • Our website uses Google Analytics, which is a web analysis service provided by Google. 

  • Google automatically collects Cookie and Website Usage Data and uses it to track and examine the use of to prepare reports and share them with other Google services. 

  • Google does not associate your IP address with the usage information it collects. 

  • Google may use the data collected to contextualise and personalise the ads of its own advertising network. 

  • Google is based in the US and uses EU Standard Contractual Clauses to transfer online advertising and measurement personal data out of the European Economic Area, the UK, and Switzerland. 

  • Google’s privacy policy is here 

Products & Services: Information about your business 

If you choose to use our software products, training or consulting services, we may process your business’ contact, registration, assessment results, details of your role, processes, procedures, staff, and meeting recordings in our software products and services in order to provide you with our services, and to provide you with support. 

  • If you choose not to supply information, it will limit the services we can provide 

  • Your information is stored on our OneDrive which is in the European Union. 

  • We do not share this information without prior written consent 

  • We retain this information until you remove your service account 

Products & Services: Information about your Data Management Career 

  • If you choose to use our career mentoring service, you warrant that you are 18 years or older and agree that we can collect and process personal information about you, such as your contact details, assessment results, role, life goals, values and opinions, and career history. 

  • We practice transparency by collecting your information directly from you and sharing with you all the information collected. 

  • We do not collect special personal information about you, such as health, religion, trade union membership, political affiliation, criminal history, or objectionable behaviour. 

  • If you choose not to supply information, it will limit the services we can provide 

  • Your information is stored on our OneDrive which is in the European Union. 

  • All information and interactions are confidential; we do not share this information. 

  • We delete this information one calendar month after your last mentoring session. 

Direct Marketing 

  • Unsolicited electronic messaging to our customers and people who have requested information via our website 

  • We may occasionally send you emails to “upsell” you on our products and services that we feel will be of value to you. 

  • We endeavour to keep these communications to a minimum 

  • You can request that we stop sending you emails like this at any time; instructions are provided in the footer of the emails. 

  • “Cross-selling” and referral to products and services of partner organisations 

  • We will never share your details with a third-party organisation without your consent for the purpose of marketing or promoting products and services. 

  • If we feel our partner products and services might interest you, we will provide you with the opportunity to interact with the partner organisation, sometimes using our affiliate links. 

  • We will disclose the nature of our relationship and any continued involvement should you choose to engage with the partner organisation. 

Information security 

  • We employ a variety of security measures to safeguard your personal information, including encryption of our laptops, multi-factor authentication and encryption (salting, hashing and SSL) 

  • We aim to minimise the data we collect as much as possible, and we get rid of data we no longer need as soon as possible 

Right to access and rectify your information 

  • You may access and update your e-commerce billing and contact details by logging in to your account page 

  • You may remove your contact details from our newsletter mailing list by unsubscribing using the link provided in our newsletter or emailing

  • You may access and update your business information by logging in to the product or service you purchased from us. 

Right to object 

  • You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act s11(3) 

Right to complain 

  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the South African Information Regulator 


  • From time to time, it may become necessary to make changes to this privacy policy. It is your responsibility to periodically check our website for any changes.

 Intended usage 

  • Our website, products and services are intended for adult residents of all countries. 

  • We are a B2B and B2C business 

Legal Capacity 

  • You acknowledge that you have the legal capacity to use our website, products and services. 

Who we are 

Modelware Systems (Pty) Ltd 

14 Bakoven Close 

Simon’ Town 

Western Province 

South Africa 



Registration number: 1999/003494/07 

Directors: V Diesel, H Diesel