Answering DMMA Q2. Why is it happening?

How-To Analyse DMMA Results

Author: Howard Diesel

Date: February 28, 2023

When doing a DMMA and only answering question 1, "What is/has happened?" is not enough!

You may get an answer: "Yes, Ok, I see that is the DMMA Score." Unfortunately, they still have differing views on the message. We need to get the answer: "Yes, you are right!". 

We need the stakeholders to agree with the results and why they are at the resultant maturity level. Just showing the interview results and averaging the number doesn't explain the most critical question: Why are we at this maturity level? 

How do we get the RIGHT level of agreement?

Have you ever tried to answer the WHY question?

I only started addressing this in the last six months after wondering why our assessments were not achieving the level of change that I expected.

We can explain why by applying Change Management and Knowledge Management to interpret the DMMA results.


DMMA Q3. What should we do?


DMMA Q1. What is/has happened?