DMMA Q3. What should we do?

How-To Mature Data​: Modelware Systems

Author: Howard Diesel

Date: March 7, 2023

Are you ready for this question and conversation?

Have you thought about how the DMMA results can answer this question?

The answers to our previous question: Why is it happening? have to be part of the answer to this question.

Before we jump into fixing the Why, we need to stop, take a breath and ask ourselves a fundamental question: Are we READY to fix the root cause of our challenges?

I believe that our Readiness is dependent on two levels:

  1. Risk

  2. Expectation

The level of Risks and Expectations can place stress and demand on the resources responsible for the action required by the decisions.

To assess our Readiness, we need to negotiate and quantify the Risk and Expectations. Raising Risks is very emotional and political, requiring lots of discussions to recognise and agree on the final levels.

Once you have consensus, you take start defining the actions to:

  1. Build Communications

  2. Build Capabilities

  3. Build Consistency

  4. Build Partnerships

During the last month, we have discussed three of four critical questions that you must be able to answer and provide direction.

Is it enough to show the results of your Maturity Assessment?

My Short answer: Certainly not!

After performing a maturity assessment, I hope you agree and can see the insights you can provide your organisation or customers.


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Answering DMMA Q2. Why is it happening?